Liz Beaven, Ed.D. – Executive Director
San Francisco, CA
Liz Beaven has been actively involved in Waldorf education since 1985 when she first walked into a Waldorf school as a new arrival in New York City. Her experience spans class teaching, school administration and leadership, Board and College of Teachers membership, adult education, lecturing, writing, and research. Plus, important in her experience, she is the parent of two Waldorf alums and is now viewing Waldorf education and the future through the lens of a grandparent. Liz took an early interest in the expansion of US Waldorf education into public schools. She has been engaged there in teacher education, professional development, Board and parent workshops, research, writing, conference presentations, and school development.
Liz was the President of the Alliance Board of Directors for several years and now serves as the first Executive Director. Liz is also involved in advocacy for equitable access to quality early childhood education through membership of the Trust for Learning’s Ideal Learning Round Table. Liz holds a certificate in Waldorf School administration and a doctorate in Educational Leadership. Her dissertation focused on the explicit and implicit lessons of schools and student sense-making of Waldorf education.