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Online Lantern Making Workshop

Saturday, October 21st, 2023 - 10am - 12pm Pacific Time

Registration $25 USD

Join us for this special one day event as we create these beautiful lanterns from watercolor paper! Many Waldorf communities create lanterns for a Martinmas walk in November when the days are growing shorter and darkness is increasing. Carrying lanterns serves as a reminder to nurture and share our inner light with others, just as St. Martin shared his coat with a beggar in need. 


Celebrations of light are held in many cultures around the world at this time of year. The act of creating and carrying lanterns symbolizes this inner light and the idea of spreading kindness and warmth to others. November marks the beginning of the darker, colder months of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Creating lanterns and celebrating with lantern walks helps children and adults connect with the changing seasons and find beauty and wonder in the darkness. It can be a way to embrace and celebrate the beauty of the winter season and the joy of sharing our inner light and warmth with the whole community.


As we walk you through the steps we will focus on best practices for teaching this paper craft tradition to your children so you can bring warmth and light to your community!

Click below to see the simple supplies you will need to have on hand.



Register today and join us for this special seasonal event!

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